The Siam City Hotel, Bangkok yesterday hosted TWTCON BKK 09: Twitter for Business Conference. The conference focused on Twitter for business and Twitter's place in “social media”. The conference was based around the premise that many companies are nowadays using Twitter to reach and engage customers, influence opinions and activate markets.
Attendees learnt which applications will give them greater opportunities to create revenue and customers, how to use Twitter to listen to what their customers are saying and how to network and share ideas with leading businesses, marketing firms, media outlets, PR executives, key Twitter developers and social media experts.
The day was a grand success with over 400 enthusiastic and pro-active tweeters attending. From 8:00am to 7:00pm attendees listened to Bangkok’s twitting elite talk about using Twitter for business and best practice, they examined case studies, dissected Twitter marketing and, most importantly, how to harness the phenomenal “power” of Twitter.
Don’t get me wrong, there was a more “personal” side to the day’s proceedings as well, with many people talking about how to use Twitter in human ways to build relationships, instead of just focusing on getting as many followers as possible and utilising marketing gimmicks.
In attendance were many “gods” of the BKK Twitter scene, such as @iWhale and @sugree (who’s just hit 165,000 tweets!!!). The latter was of the day’s highlight, with eager fans staying in their seats until the bitter end to hear his pearls of wisdom. And just what did the prolific Twit King have to say, one important thing: tweet till die!

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